The first persons at Rome whom St. Paul saluteth by name, are Priscilla and Aquila. The woman is named before her husband, and shows that they were all one in Christ Jesus, in whom is neither male nor female.

Here, by the way, it appears how weakly the Papists argue for St. Peter's primacy, because placed first in the catalogue of the apostles. By the same argument the woman is the head of the man, because here named before the man.

Observe, 2. The honourable title which St. Paul puts upon these two persons, Aquila and Priscilla; he calls them his helpers in Christ Jesus. They were his assistants in propagating the gospel by private instruction, though not by public preaching Acts 18:26.

Observe, 3. The Christian courage which was found with this holy woman Priscilla, and her husband Aquila: They laid down their own necks for the apostle; that is, exposed themselves to the hazard of their own lives for his preservation.

Observe, 4. The thankful remembrance which the apostle and all the churches of the Gentiles had of this their great and noble service, in hazarding their own lives for his; To whom. give thanks, and all the churches of the Gentiles. Because St. Paul was the apostle of the Gentiles, and his preservation redounded to the benefit of them all; therefore were the churches of the Gentiles so sensible of, and thankful for, the apostle's preservation.

Observe lastly, The salutation sent to the church that was in their house. By which some understand their household, their Christian family, which he calls. church, because of the pious order and religious worship which was there observed.

O happy houses! and thrice happy householders! whose families are little churches for piety and devotion. Others understand by the church in their house, the number of Christians which used there to assemble for religious worship. Be it the one or the other, our apostle forgets not to send kind and Christian salutations to them.

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Old Testament