As the former verse represented to us the manifold inconveniences of. wicked life, so this verse acquaints us with the manifest advantages of. holy and religious course of life; and this, first, as to the present benefit and advantage of it, Ye have your fruit unto holiness:

Secondly, In respect of the future reward of it, And the end everlasting life.

Here observe, 1. The description which the apostle makes of the change from. state of sin to. state of holiness: Ye are made free from sin, and become the servants by God: intimating, that. state of sin is. state of servitude and slavery; and indeed it is the vilest and hardest slavery in the world, it being the slavery of the soul, which is the best and noblest part of ourselves; it is the subjection of our reason to our sensual appetities, and brutish passions which is as uncomely. sight as to see beggars ride on horseback, and princes walk on foot.

Farther, it is. voluntary slavery, the sinner chuseth his servitude, and willingly puts his neck under this yoke.

Again, the sinner makes himself. slave to his own servants, to those who were born to be subject to him,. mean his own appetites and passions, chusing rather. life of sense and to gratify his lusts, than to obey his reason.

Observe, 2. The present benefit of an holy and religious life: Ye have your fruit unto holiness.

What fruit?

Ans. Inward peace and contentment of mind at present, length of days, and health and prosperity in this world, solid joy and comfort at the hour of death,. good name, and reputation among men after death; and it drives. blessing upon our posterity which we leave behind us.

Observe, 3. The future reward and recompence of an holy life in the world to come: The end everlasting life: By which the apostle expresses both the happiness of our future state, and the way and means by which we are prepared and made meet to be partakers of it.

1. The happiness of our future state is expressed by the name of everlasting life, which imports both the excellency of this state, it is. state of life; and the eternity, or endless duration of it, it is. state of everlasting life.

2. The way partakers of this happiness, and that is, by the constant and sincere endeavours of. holy and good life: Holiness in this life is the certain way, yea, the only way to happiness in the life to come.

This appears from the will of God, who has connected the end and means together; from the justice of God, who will reward every man according to his work; from the indecency and unsuitableness of the contrary.

Without meetness and fitness for heaven, there could be no happiness in heaven; heaven would not be. paradise, but. purgatory; not. place of happiness, but of the greatest uneasiness to. wicked man; therefore let us have our present fruit unto holiness, that our end may be everlasting life.

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Old Testament