Observe here, 1. supposition, If we have been planted together in the likeness of his death; namely, by dying unto sin: If as Christ died, we die, he. natural, we. spiritual death: he for sin, and we to sin; he by way of expiation, suffering, and satisfying for sin; we by way of mortification, killing, and crucifying of sin.

Learn thence, That all baptized persons ought to labour for, and endeavour after,. conformity to the death of Christ, in their dying daily unto sin. As he died. painful and shameful death for us, such. death should sin die in us; living. dying life, and dying. lingering, but. certain death.

Observe, 2. The apostle's inference drawn from the foregoing supposition; If we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection; That is, we are under an obligation to imitate his resurrection, by rising from the death of sin, unto newness of life. Did he rise early out of his natural grave? so must we out of our spiritual. Did he rise to. new life? so must we arise and walk in newness of life. Did he arise never to die more? so must we that are dead to sin, live no longer therein.

Observe, 3. How the power enabling us thus to die unto sin, and to live unto holiness, is derived from Christ by virtue of our implantation into him by faith: If we have been planted together, &c. As the graft liveth, groweth, and fructifieth by the juice drawn from the stock into which it is planted: so Christians being taken out of the old rotten stock, degenerate Adam, and planted into the noble stock, Christ Jesus, are, by. virtue derived from him, raised to newness of life, into whom they are ingrafted.

Learn hence, That we experience the power of Christ's death and resurrection, in enabling us to die to sin, and live unto God, only by virtue of. real implantation into Christ, by an operative and lively faith. If we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection.

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Old Testament