As if the apostle had said, "You Jews, who study the law and are well
acquainted with it, cannot but know that the law of God hath power
over. man to require of him exact, perfect, and perpetual obedience,
and to accuse, condemn, and bind him over to the curse for the least
breach and violation of i... [ Continue Reading ]
Here the apostle doth exemplify and illustrate the foregoing
assertion, namely, That believers are freed from the law, by.
similitude taken from the law of marriage: As death freeth husband and
wife from the law which bound them to each other, and empowereth the
survivor to marry to another person;... [ Continue Reading ]
As if the apostle had said, "When we lived under the dispensation of
the law, and were married to the law, we brought forth fruit suitable
to that state and condition. But now being freed from the law, and
married unto Christ, it is meet and right, equal and fit, that we
should bring forth fruit ans... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The objection (which the apostle answers) that some
were ready to make against the holiness of the law. He had affirmed at
say some, then the law may seem to be the cause of sin;" GOD FORBID:
says the apostle. th... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here,. concession or grant made by the apostle, that although
the law was not the formal cause of sin, yet sin was an accidental
event of the law, through the depravity and corruption of our natures;
lust or concupiscence in us being stirred up more strongly, and
breaking forth more violentl... [ Continue Reading ]
As if the apostle had said, "Formerly, when. lived. Pharisee, and had
the law in my hand, but did not consider in my heart what exactness
and perfection it required in my life,. contented myself with an
outward observation of it, and concluded my state to be good and safe:
But when. came to. right u... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The natural end and use of the commandment or law of
God, IT WAS ORDAINED UNTO LIFE; that is, it was given for. rule of
life,. promised eternal salvation to the perfect fulfilling of it. But
no man since the fall being able perfect the law in his own person,
can be justified by the... [ Continue Reading ]
As if the apostle had said, " SIN, or the corruption of my heart and
nature, being stirred up by the commandment which forbids lust, and
condemns it, enticed me, and persuaded me, and prevailed over me, to
yield to the lusts of my own heart, and then condemned me, and slew
men for yielding to them.... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, What care and holy caution the apostle uses to vindicate
and clear the holy law of God from all fault and blame, charging his
guilt, not upon the commandment, but upon the corruption of his own
heart, which took occasion to be stirring in him, and by the
commandment slew him; affirming... [ Continue Reading ]
From what the apostle had said in the former verse, he moves an
objection unto this verse: "Seeing the law was holy, and just, and
good, how comes it to be unto death? WAS THAT WHICH WAS GOOD MADE
DEATH UNTO ME? " To this he replies, both by way of negation, GOD
FORBID; for to find fault with the la... [ Continue Reading ]
Still observe, How the apostle goes on to assert the purity and
spirituality of the law of God: THE LAW IS SPIRITUAL; spiritual in the
author of it, God, who is an Holy Spirit; spiritual in the matter of
it, requiring perfect purity both of heart and life.
Learn hence, That the moral law of God is... [ Continue Reading ]
These words are an argument to prove what the apostle had asserted in
the foregoing verse; namely, That he was held under the power of sin
unwillingly, because he did not allow or approve of any evil which he
did contrary to the holy law of God, but did hate and abominate it,
was displeased with it,... [ Continue Reading ]
Note, 1. How readily the apostle consented to the equity and holiness
of God's law; he did love the law of God, which made holiness his
duty: I CONSENT, says he, TO THE LAW, THAT IT IS GOOD; he assented to
it in his judgment, he complied with it in his will, he clave to it in
his inward affections.... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The apostle's proposition; I KNOW THAT IN ME, THAT
IS, IN MY FLESH, DWELLETH NO GOOD THING: That is in my corrupt and
unregenerate nature, there is nothing truly and spiritually good; and
this. myself am sensible of, and privy to, and very well acquainted
Learn thence, That g... [ Continue Reading ]
Here the apostle repeats what he had before asserted; namely, That he
did not always do that good which he desired to do, but sometimes
being overpowered by the flesh, did what the law prohibits, and what
he would not do.
And further adds, That it was no longer himself, (chusing and
approving the a... [ Continue Reading ]
As if the apostle had said, "I verily find sin, having an impelling
power and impulsive virtue in it, like. law in my members, thwarting
and contradicting the inclinations of my mind, and the resolutions of
my will, that WHEN. WOULD DO GOOD, EVIL IS PRESENT WITH ME to oppose
and hinder me from the d... [ Continue Reading ]
If by the inward man we understand the mind and understanding of. man
only, then the unregenerate person may be said to delight in the all
of God, with Ezekiel's hearers, Ezekiel 33:32; with Herod, Mark 6:20;
with the stony ground, Matthew 13:20. That is, they delight and
satisfy themselves with the... [ Continue Reading ]
Here observe, That in this and the foregoing verses, mention is made
of four laws contending one against another, whereof two are on one
side, and two on the other; namely, the law of God, and the law of the
mind; the law of the members, and the law of sin. By the law of God is
understood the word o... [ Continue Reading ]
These words are. sad and sorrowful complaint of the present and too
great prevalency of indwelliung sin and unsubdued corruption; and in
them observe,
1. The person complaining, St. Paul.
2. The matter of the complaint, not of affliction, but of sin; not of.
death, but of. body of sin and death, w... [ Continue Reading ]
Here the apostle spies. deliverer, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST; one that had
delivered him from the condemning and reigning power of sin, and would
ere long deliver him from the presence as well as prevalency of sin.
And whereas the apostle styles Christ Jesus not his Lord, but OUR
LORD; that is, the Lor... [ Continue Reading ]