Every man, &c. Now upon this principle, with a reference to the usages that prevail at this time with you at Corinth, I may properly observe: Every man praying or prophesying By an immediate influence of the Spirit of God, in a public assembly; having his head covered With a veil, which is a sign of subjection; dishonoureth his head Christ, who, having made him the head of the woman, and given him authority over her, is dishonoured when the man renounces that authority by appearing veiled in the presence of the woman, as her inferior. But every woman praying or prophesying Under an immediate impulse of the Spirit, for then only was a woman suffered to speak in the church; with her head uncovered Without any veil over her head and face; dishonoureth her head Disclaims subjection, and reflects dishonour on man, her head; for that is even all one as if she were shaven It is the same in effect as if she cut her hair short, and wore it in the distinguishing form of the men. In those ages men wore their hair exceeding short, as appears from the ancient statues and pictures. Therefore, if the woman be not covered If she will throw off the badge of subjection; let her also be shorn Let her appear with her hair cut off like a man, or like a woman of bad character, such being sometimes punished in that manner: but if it be a shame for a woman To appear in public shorn or shaven Especially in a religious assembly; let her be covered Let her for the same reason keep on her veil.

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