My beloved children, let us not love merely in word or in tongue Contenting ourselves with complimental expressions of regard, or with giving our Christian brethren nothing but fair speeches; but in deed and in truth Let our actions approve the sincerity of our professions, and, by relieving them in their necessities and straits, let us show that we sincerely love them. And hereby Εν τουτω, in this, by being compassionate, kind, and bountiful, according to our ability; we know We have a satisfactory evidence by this real, operative love; that we are of the truth That we have true faith, and are the genuine disciples of Christ and children of God; and shall assure our hearts before him Shall enjoy an assurance of his favour, and the testimony of a good conscience toward God. The heart, in St. John's language, is the conscience. The word conscience is not used in his writings. For if we have not this testimony; if in any thing our heart Our conscience, condemn us, much more does God, who is greater than our heart An infinitely more holy and impartial Judge; and knoweth all things So that there is no hope of hiding it from him.

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