He put forth his hand To point out the man on whom he would have the people to lay hands. From the altar Where he stood, and where his hand was employed in offering something upon it. And his hand dried up Or withered, the muscles and sinews, the instruments of motion, shrinking up or becoming relaxed. This God did, not only to give another token, besides those which the man of God had mentioned, that his words would be fulfilled; but also to chastise Jeroboam for offering violence to the Lord's prophet; to secure the prophet against further violence, and that in this example God might show how highly he resents the injuries done to his ministers for the faithful discharge of their office. The altar also was rent, &c. This train of miracles, instantly wrought, and confirming so evidently the prophet's mission, so amazed all the people, that we do not find any of them attempted to lay hold on him. And Jeroboam himself, for the present, was astonished and confounded at the sight of the effects produced by God's miraculous power.

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