She said, Comest thou peaceably? Or with some evil design against me or my son? which she might well suspect, knowing his ambition and envy at Solomon, and his hatred against her, as the chief cause of his being cast down from his aspiring views and high hopes. He said, Thou knowest that the kingdom is mine Both by right of primogeniture and actual inauguration. And all Israel set their faces on me They looked on me as their king and my father's successor, and expected that he would confirm my election. He pretends that the generality of the people favoured his views, and wished him to be king. Howbeit the kingdom is turned about, and is become my brother's Is translated from me to him by the vicissitude of human affairs, and the changeable humour of the people. For it was his from the Lord Either, 1st, By God's providence so disposing David's mind, and the people's hearts: or rather, 2d, By God's appointment, and particular designation: wherein he seems to acquiesce, affectionately terming Solomon his brother, that he might deceive both her and him into a belief that he was far from any design of usurping the government.

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