The Lord said, Who shall persuade Ahab, &c. This is not to be understood grossly, as if God were at a loss to find out an expedient to accomplish his own designs; nor is it to be supposed that there was really any such consultation, before the Divine Majesty, as who should be employed to persuade Ahab to undo himself. But this is a symbolical representation, to signify that the Lord resolved to suffer Ahab to be deceived and perish at Ramoth-Gilead rather than in any other place; in order that he, who sinfully suffered Ben-hadad to escape, might be punished by Ben-hadad. And there came forth a spirit An evil one; and stood before the Lord This is not to be taken literally. There are, however, evil spirits who are very forward to entice men to their own destruction, and have power so to do, if the Lord do not hinder them. He said, I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets I will suggest to them that which will deceive them. And he said, Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail also I will give them up into thy hands, and leave them to their own ignorance and wickedness. Go forth, and do so This is not a command, but only a permission. If we suppose this to be any thing more than a symbolical vision, we must say God permitted this evil spirit to follow his own inclinations, which he knew would have success, and prevail with Ahab to believe he should prosper in this war, wherein God intended he should perish. Ahab's prophets had observed how prosperous he had been in former wars with the king of Syria, and that made them forward to promise him the same success in this also. And Ahab was as forward to believe as they were to promise.

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