Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord He had erected a brazen scaffold, of five cubits long, five cubits broad, and three cubits high, (2 Chronicles 6:13,) and on this he stood, raised above the people, who were in the court and in the galleries round about, observing him, and disposed to hearken, with profound attention, to what he should further say. And, having spoken the foregoing words with his face toward them, and blessed them, he now turned about again with his face toward the altar, that he might address a solemn prayer to God, and so dedicate the sacred building to his worship and service. And spread forth his hands toward heaven A solemn posture in which prayer was wont to be made, not only among the Jews, but other nations. It appears from 1Ki 8:54 of this chapter, that when he had stood awhile with his face toward the altar, he fell down upon his knees, and uttered the greatest part of the following prayer in the posture of kneeling.

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