Feed the flock of God Both by doctrine and discipline; which is among you Namely, the churches of Christ, which you are called to preside over; taking the oversight thereof Greek, επισκοπουντες, discharging the episcopal office. By this it appears that those who are styled bishops, from their having the oversight of others, and also presbyters, or elders, are spoken of as the same persons. Not by constraint Unwillingly, as if it were a burden; but willingly “In the first age, when the profession of the gospel exposed men to persecution, and when the persecutions fell more especially on the bishops, it may easily be imagined that some who were appointed to that office would undertake it unwillingly; not only because they were not disposed to do the duties thereof diligently, but because they were not willing to suffer.” Not for filthy lucre Which, if it be the motive of acting, is filthy beyond expression. The apostle means also, not for a maintenance; for the sake of which merely, or chiefly, no one should undertake the pastoral office. They that preach the gospel may live by the gospel, but no one ought to engage in such a work merely that he may live by it. “O consider this, ye that leave one flock and go to another, merely ‘because there is more gain, a larger salary!' Is it not astonishing that men ‘can see no harm in this?' That it is not only practised, but avowed, all over the nation?” Wesley. But of a ready mind With a sincere desire to glorify God, and to save the souls of men. In the Syriac version, the word προθυμως, here used, is translated toto corde, with the whole heart. Dr. Benson's observation on this verse is, “How severely are they here condemned, who feed themselves and not the flock; who take the patrimony of the church, and commit the care of souls to others, to whom they allow a very small share of that plenty which they have for doing little.”

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