The Lord said, &c. Spoke secretly by his Spirit to Samuel's heart; for it is not probable that any audible voice was uttered. Samuel anointed him in the midst of his brethren This is a perfectly literal translation of the Hebrew, confirmed by the Seventy; and the words seem evidently to imply that he was anointed publicly among his brethren. But though they saw his unction, it is probable they had no idea that he was anointed to the kingdom, but were only told by Samuel that it was to some great service, which they should be informed of hereafter. Samuel certainly was afraid to have it known at present that he was anointed to be king, and therefore would not tell it out among his brethren. And by Eliab's treatment of David after this, (1 Samuel 17:28,) it appears that he did not know him to be the king elect of God's people. Thus Jesse only and David understood the whole business; but his brethren would be able to bear witness to the fact of Samuel's anointing him, which, with other collateral evidences, would be abundantly sufficient to prove David's right to the kingdom, if need should be. Dr. Waterland proposes to translate the words, from the midst, instead of in the midst; but Houbigant approves of our reading, and thinks the anointing was made publicly, as has just been stated, but that Samuel did not signify, unless to Jesse, the purpose for which he was anointed. The Spirit of the Lord came upon David, &c. That is, he was immediately endowed with extraordinary gifts of God's Spirit, as strength, and courage, and wisdom, and other excellent qualities, which prepared him for, and excited him to, noble attempts.

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