And after them such as set their hearts to seek the Lord God of Israel All the devout, pious Israelites, of every tribe, followed the priests and Levites: all who feared and loved God in sincerity and truth, and were determined to serve him. All such left the inheritances of their fathers, and went and took houses in or near Jerusalem, that they might have free access to the altar and temple of God, and be out of the way of the temptation to worship the calves. Thus the best of the Israelites united themselves to the tribe of Judah, and would have great influence in preserving that tribe from the idolatry into which the ten tribes were fallen. “That is best for us,” says Henry, “which is best for our souls; and in all our choices, advantages for religion must take place of all outward conveniences. Where God's faithful priests are, his faithful people should be. If Jeroboam cast off God's ministers, every true-born Israelite will think himself obliged to own them, and stand by them.” Reader, when the ark removes, do you remove and go after it.

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