Arise, O Lord, into thy resting-place, &c. Thus he concludes his prayer with some expressions borrowed from one of his father's Psalms, namely, Psalms 132. The whole word of God in general, and the Psalms in particular, are of use to direct us in prayer: and how can we express ourselves in better language to God, than in that of his own Spirit? But these words were peculiarly proper and suitable to be expressed now, because they had a reference to this very occasion on which Solomon used them. And, in quoting them, he prays that God would take and keep possession of the temple for himself, and make it, as it were, his resting- place, where he would continue to dwell. Thou, and the ark of thy strength Thou, in and by the ark, which is the sign and instrument of thy great power, put forth from time to time in behalf of thy people. Let thy priests be clothed with salvation Let them be saved from their sins, restored to thy favour and image, and be encompassed on every side with thy protection and benediction. And let thy saints rejoice in goodness Let them have cause of rejoicing and thanksgiving for the effects of thy goodness imparted to them.

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