Do ye look on the outward appearance of things Judging of me by my outward person, and the infirmities of my body, (2 Corinthians 10:1,) and not from the power of Christ resting on me, and working by me? 2 Corinthians 12:9. If any man trust Πεποιθεν εαυτω, be confident, in himself; that he is Christ's minister And claims authority on that account; let him think this again Let him consider seriously; that as he is Christ's, even so are we Christ's Nor can any one produce more convincing proofs of Christ's calling him to the ministry, and approving his discharge of it, than myself. By speaking thus, the apostle did not intend to acknowledge the false teacher referred to to be a true and faithful minister of Christ. That teacher had taken on himself the work of the ministry, and was by profession a servant of Christ. This Paul acknowledged, without entering into the consideration of his integrity or faithfulness. “At the same time, as he pretended to great powers of reasoning, the apostle desired him to reason this from himself: That if he was a minister of Christ merely by professing to be one, the apostle, who, besides laying claim to that character, had exercised miraculous powers among the Corinthians, was thereby shown to be more truly a minister of Christ than he was, who did not possess that proof.” Macknight. See 2 Corinthians 11:23.

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