And God is able, &c. The contents of this verse are very remarkable; each expression is loaded with matter, which increases as the sentence proceeds; God is able to make And will make, see on Romans 4:21; all grace Every kind of blessing, as the word here appears to signify; to abound toward you And to supply you abundantly with the means of liberality; that ye, always having all sufficiency Enough to enable you to relieve others in their necessities; in all things That he sees good for you; may abound to every good work That ye may go on with new enlargement and vigour in doing every good in your power, without finding your circumstances straitened. God confers his gifts upon us that we may do good therewith, and so may receive still greater blessings. All things in this life, even rewards, are to the faithful seeds, in order to a future harvest. As it is written Of the truly liberal and charitable man; He hath dispersed abroad, &c. With a full hand, without any anxious thought which way each grain falls. This is an allusion to a person who, in sowing seed, scatters it plentifully. And the image beautifully represents both the good-will with which the liberal distribute their alms, and the many needy persons on whom they are bestowed. His righteousness His beneficence, (as the expression here means,) with the blessed effects of it; remaineth for ever Unexhausted, God still renewing his store. In other words, He shall always have enough wherewith to exercise his bounty in works of mercy, (2 Corinthians 9:11,) and this act of obedience shall have an eternal reward.

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