What is to be done for thee? Wherein can I serve thee? For he was very desirous, as all good men are, to be grateful. “They that receive courtesies,” says Henry, “should study to return them. It ill becomes men of God to be ungrateful, or to sponge upon those that are generous.” Wouldst thou be spoken for to the king, &c.? For an office for thy husband, civil or military? Hast thou any complaint to make; any petition to present; any suit at law depending, that needs the countenance of the higher powers? It seems by this the prophet had got such an interest at court, since the late victory over the Moabites, that though he minded not to prefer himself by it, yet he was capable of preferring his friends. I dwell among my own people I live among my kindred and friends; nor have I any cause to seek relief from the higher powers.

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