And found a wild vine This is generally supposed to have been the coloquintida plant, which has a leaf something like that of the vine, but is so very bitter, that some have called it “the gall of the whole earth:” it purges vehemently, and is a sort of poison if not qualified and taken in a moderate quantity. For they knew them not Neither he that gathered them, nor they that shred them, knew what they were, but took them to be the leaves of a wild vine. They cried out, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot That is, some deadly thing. This they concluded from its being so bitter and distasteful. He said, Bring meal and cast it into the pot Together with the pottage, which they had taken out of it. And there was no harm in the pot Which alteration was not from any virtue in the meal, but from the power of God.

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