A man brought bread of the first fruits, &c. This was a seasonable present, it being a time of dearth, when bread was very scarce. The first-fruits were due to the priests, but these, and probably the rest of the priests' dues, were usually brought by the pious Israelites, according to their ability and opportunity, to the Lord's prophets, because they were not permitted to carry them to Jerusalem. Twenty loaves of barley Of what weight is not said, but it is likely they were but small, being intended only for the prophet's own eating. And full ears of corn in the husk thereof Which, being parched, they were wont to eat, Ruth 2:15. But Dr. Hammond thinks these words should be rendered, They brought ears of corn in a satchel, or scrip. Give unto the people that they may eat That is, to the sons of the prophets, with whom he then was, when this present was brought to him.

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