So Jehu conspired against Joram Contrived with the rest of the captains how to destroy Joram: for which they had the fairer opportunity, because he was gone from the army to Jezreel. Now Joram had kept Ramoth-gilead That is, kept a strong garrison there, upon the frontiers of his kingdom, it having been taken by him before this time, although the taking of it be not mentioned. He and all Israel, because of Hazael, &c. He left an army also there, or in the neighbouring parts, to watch Hazael's motions; so that Jehu had the army with him which Joram had left, being gone home to Jezreel, ill wounded. Jehu said, Let none go forth out of the city Or, from the city: that is, from within it, or from before it; from the siege or army; to go tell it in Jezreel For he knew how necessary secrecy was to the execution of such great designs as he had in hand.

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