Joram turned his hands Or the reins of his chariot; and said, There is treachery, O Ahaziah Jehu is our enemy: it is time for us to shift for our safety. Jehu drew a bow and smote Jehoram between his arms Or shoulders, when he was turned or turning back, the chariot being probably open behind, as many times they were. The arrow went out at his heart It was one of God's arrows, which he ordained against the persecutor, and it killed him on the spot. Cast him in the portion of the field of Naboth He died a criminal under the sentence of God, which Jehu, the executioner thereof, pursues in the disposal of the dead body. When I and thou rode together after Ahab, &c. Probably when Ahab went in his chariot, attended with his nobles or chief officers, of which these were two, to take a formal and solemn possession of Naboth's land: for then the Prophet Elijah met him, and denounced this judgment against him, (1 Kings 21:17,) which was extended to his son. The Lord laid this burden upon him This predicted punishment: prophecies of calamities to come upon individuals or nations are frequently termed burdens in the Scriptures.

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