He said, This is the word of the Lord He now calls to mind the words of the Prophet Elijah, which before he had forgot, or did not regard. And the carcass of Jezebel, &c. These words are not extant in the place where this prophecy is first mentioned, 1 Kings 21:23; but are here added by Jehu, by way of explication and amplification. So that they shall not say, This is Jezebel No memory of her, nothing whereby it might be known there had been such a woman as Jezebel, should remain of her, as a picture or effigies, to which men might point and say, This is Jezebel. No monument was made of her, and she had no sepulchre but in the belly of dogs.

Upon the whole, what is recorded in this chapter shows that the divine threatenings are never in vain: that the curse of God pursues princes and families where impiety reigns. Let it be observed, likewise, that Ahaziah king of Judah, because he imitated the kings of Israel in their idolatries and other sins, and was united with Jehoram king of Israel, perished with him. Those who become the companions and imitators of the wicked, are involved, sooner or later, in the same judgments with them.

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