Shobi the son of Nahash of Rabbah Who, probably, disliked and disowned that barbarous action to David's ambassadors, recorded 2 Samuel 10:4, and therefore, when the agents and instruments of Hanun's tyranny were chastised by David, was left by him in the regency of the country, with such marks of kindness and friendship as now engaged him, in his turn, to give the king all possible demonstrations of affection and gratitude in his distress. Machir, of Lo-debar The friend and protector of Mephibosheth, who, as such, must be presumed to have been at first, in some degree, disaffected to David; but was now not only reconciled, but zealously attached to him; and probably, in a great measure, from the king's noble manner of treating Mephibosheth. Barzillai the Gileadite A man of a very uncommon character, very aged, very wealthy, and very generous. A man who, with all the bodily infirmities of old age, was yet clear of all those which dishonour and deform the mind in that season; equally superior to timorous caution, sordid avarice, and unsuited luxury. Delaney.

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