When he was come to Jerusalem to meet the king He had probably continued near Jerusalem during the king's absence, and it seems could not go to a distance from it to meet him, as others did, for want of conveniences for his journey: for Ziba had gotten possession of all his lands and goods, and it is not likely that he, who would not provide him an ass to ride on, to accompany the king at his departure, would now be forward to furnish him with one to meet the king, to whom he knew he would complain of him. My servant deceived me He had ordered an ass to be made ready for him, to carry him to David; instead of which Ziba saddled it for himself, and went with that false story mentioned 2 Samuel 16:3. My lord the king is as an angel of God To discern between truth and falsehood, between facts and calumnies. Do, therefore, what is good in thine eyes I submit myself entirely to thy judgment.

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