That ye have showed this kindness This respect and affection. For as it is an act of inhumanity to deny burial to the dead, so it is an act of mercy and kindness to bury them. The Lord show kindness and truth unto you That is, true and real kindness; not in words only, but also in actions, as you have done to your king. I also will requite you So far am I from being offended with you for this kindness to my late enemy. This shows the great generosity of David's spirit, who expressed such affection and gratitude to those who had honoured the dead body of one that hated and sought to kill him. Let your hands be strengthened Be not afraid lest the Philistines should punish you for this act, but take courage. For, &c. Or rather, though your master Saul be dead And so your hearts might faint, as if you were now as sheep without a shepherd. The house of Judah have anointed me king This he mentions that they might not be discouraged on the ground of their wanting one to head them, for he intimates that, being invested with the royal dignity by the tribe of Judah, he would look upon himself as bound to protect them also.

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