He sacrificed oxen and fatlings As a thanksgiving to God for his goodness, upon an altar erected on purpose on this extraordinary occasion. And David danced before the Lord His joy increased as the procession went happily on. And God having filled his heart with gladness, he was not ashamed to show it, and to express his thankfulness to him by his outward carriage, according to the manner of those times; singing and shouting, and leaping and dancing before the Lord, according as the various measures of the music inspired and directed, till he arrived at the tabernacle, and fixed the ark in its place. Girt with a linen ephod The usual habit of the priests and Levites in their sacred ministrations, yet sometimes worn by others, as it was by the young child Samuel; and so here by David, who laid aside his royal robes and put on this robe, to declare that although he was king of Israel, yet he willingly owned himself to be the Lord's minister and servant.

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