What can David say Either in a way of gratitude and praise Words cannot express my obligations to thee, nor my sense of these obligations or in a way of prayer: What can I ask of thee more than thou hast freely done? Thou knowest thy servant Thou knowest my deep sense of thy favours, and my obligations to thee; and my condition and necessities, what I do or may need hereafter; and as thou knowest this, so I doubt not thou wilt supply me. Thy word's sake That thou mightest fulfil thy promises made to me, and thereby demonstrate thy faithfulness. According to thine own heart Of thy own mere liberality and good pleasure, without any desert of mine. So far was David, though a very gracious man, from thinking his actions meritorious. To make thy servant know them Thus David expresses the deep sense he had of the extraordinary kindness of God, not only in designing these great things for him and his posterity, but in condescending to make them known to him.

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