Thy servant found it in his heart to pray this prayer That prayer which is found in the tongue only will not please God; it must be found in the heart, which must be lifted up to God, and poured out before him. Thou art that God Who hast declared thyself to be Israel's God, and in particular my God. And thy words be true Thus he relies with unshaken faith on the truth of all that God had said, and confidently expects the accomplishment of God's promises to him. And hence, it seems, these and some other clauses of this prayer are not so much to be considered as petitions, as the overflowings of a grateful heart, touched with a sense of the greatness of these mercies, and therefore dwelling on them, and thereby showing how much it desired them. For after God had promised David these things by a prophet sent to him on purpose, it is hardly to be supposed that he would immediately begin to offer to God petitions for them in any other sense than as expressions of the very high estimation in which he held them. Indeed it is easy to see, as Delaney observes, that “his heart was wholly possessed with a subject which he did not know how to quit, because he did not know how to do justice to his own sense of the inestimable blessings poured down upon himself, and promised to his posterity; and much less to the infinite bounty of his benefactor.” That it may continue for ever before thee When Christ for ever sat down on the right hand of God, and received all possible assurance that his seed and throne should be as the days of heaven, then this prayer was abundantly answered.

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