Throughout all Edom put he garrisons Having conquered the whole country, he garrisoned the strongest places in it with his own men, to keep them in subjection to him. Some of the Jews interpret these words, He put captains, or commanders, in Edom, that is, great men to govern them, and, as his deputies, to raise a tribute from them. Now began to be fulfilled the extraordinary prediction to Rebekah, recorded by Moses, Genesis 25:22, but not begun to be accomplished till many centuries after his death, namely, The elder shall serve the younger. Then also was fulfilled that prophecy of Balaam, mentioned Numbers 24., Edom shall be a possession, &c. The Lord preserved David, &c. God, in his providence, still watched over and protected him, as before, (2 Samuel 8:6,) in all these expeditions. All David's victories were typical of the success of the gospel over the kingdom of Satan, in which the Son of David rode forth, conquering and to conquer, and will reign till he has brought down all opposing rule, principality, and power.

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