Whereunto For proclaiming which good news; I am appointed a preacher Κηρυξ, a herald; and an apostle Invested with an extraordinary commission, and furnished with spiritual gifts to make me a successful teacher of the Gentiles That is, of them chiefly. For which Namely, my preaching to the Gentiles; I suffer these things “By assigning his preaching salvation to the Gentiles through Christ, without obedience to the law of Moses, as the cause of his second bonds in Rome, he hath insinuated that the unbelieving Jews were active in getting him imprisoned, and tried for his life as a criminal.” Macknight. Nevertheless Though my condition may seem infamous; I am not ashamed Either of my doctrine or of my sufferings. For I know whom I have believed That is, whose word and promise I have credited, and to whom I have trusted all my important concerns: I know his power, and love, and faithfulness; and am persuaded, fully satisfied, he is able to keep that which I have committed to him Την παραθηκην μου, my deposite, until that day Of final retribution; meaning, undoubtedly, his immortal soul, or his whole person, soul and body. Thus Peter, (1 Peter 4:19,) Let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit the keeping of their souls to him, (or, as may be included, the preservation, or, if taken away, the restoration, of the life of their bodies,) in well-doing, as unto a faithful Creator, who never did, and never will, deceive, or disappoint the hopes of any that trust in him.

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