And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting The first of these days he had the vision; the second, his messengers came to Joppa; on the third, Peter set out; and on the fourth, came to Cesarea; until this hour Cornelius does not intend to declare by this how long he had fasted; but he tells him when he, being fasting, saw the vision, which was four days before, at the same hour of the day. And at the ninth hour An hour of solemn prayer, being the time of offering the evening sacrifice, see Acts 3:1. I prayed, and behold a man stood before me A man in appearance, but an angel in reality, as in Acts 10:3; in bright clothing Such as Christ's was, when he was transfigured; and that of the two angels, who appeared at his resurrection, Luke 24:4; and at his ascension, Acts 1:10; showing their relation to the world of light. And said, Thy prayer is heard Doubtless he had been praying for instruction how to worship and serve God in the most acceptable manner; and thy alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God Who looks not merely on the outward gift, but on the inward affection from which it proceeds, and the intention with which it is offered. Send, therefore, to Joppa, &c. See note on Acts 10:4. Immediately, therefore, I sent As I was directed; and thou hast well done that thou art come To us, though we are Gentiles. Observe, faithful ministers do well in going to those that are willing and desirous to receive instruction from them. Now, therefore, are we all here present before God The language this of every truly Christian congregation; to hear all things that are commanded thee of God To know and do whatsoever he shall require of us. In this spirit ought every one that would profit by the word of God, to attend upon it.

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