While Peter yet spake Or, was yet speaking; these words Even before he had finished, and without the imposition of his hands on their heads; the Holy Ghost fell On Cornelius, and on all them which heard Or, were hearing; the word Thus were they consecrated to God, as the first-fruits of the Gentiles: and thus did God give a clear and satisfactory evidence, that he had accepted them as well as the Jews. And they of the circumcision The believing Jews; as many as came with Peter On this important occasion; were astonished At the fact; which, if they had not seen it, would to them have appeared incredible; that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost For they had supposed that they could not have even been admitted into the Christian Church, much less have received such a blessing as the Holy Spirit in his gifts and graces, without submitting to circumcision, and so subjecting themselves to the observation of the whole Mosaic law. But now they saw it incontestably proved, that even those who were neither made converts to Judaism, nor circumcised, might be partakers with them in the highest privileges. For they heard them speak with tongues Speak in divers languages, which they had never learned; and magnify God In such exalted sentiments and terms, as abundantly proved that their thoughts as well as their expressions, their minds as well as their tongues, were immediately under a divine influence.

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