When the angel was departed, he called, &c. He was obedient to the heavenly vision, without dispute or delay, and sent forthwith to Joppa to fetch Peter to him. Had he himself only been concerned, he might have gone to Joppa to Peter; but he had a family, and kinsmen and friends, (Acts 10:24,) a little congregation of them, that could not go with him, and therefore he sends for Peter. And to show him the greater respect, he sends two of his household servants All of whom feared God; (Acts 10:2;) and a devout soldier that waited on him continually Always attended his person. How many such attendants have our modern officers? A devout soldier would now be looked upon by many as little better than a deserter from his colours. Observe, a devout centurion had devout soldiers; a little devotion, indeed, commonly goes a great way with soldiers; but there would be more of it in them, if there were more of it in their commanders. And when he had declared all these things Just in the manner they had happened, of which he informed them, because Peter's coming was a matter in which they also were concerned, having souls to save as well as he. He sent them to Joppa That very evening. Thus, on Cornelius's part, all things are disposed toward his receiving the gospel; and the same providence, at the same time, disposes all things on Peter's part toward his coming to publish it.

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