_After five days, Ananias_ Who would spare no trouble on the occasion;
_descended_ To Cesarea, seventy miles from Jerusalem; _with_ several
of _the elders_ Members of the sanhedrim. It seems the commander of
the horsemen, who brought Paul to Cesarea, was ordered, on his return,
to inform the high-pr... [ Continue Reading ]
_And when he_ Paul; _was called forth_ To hear the charge preferred
against him, and make his defence; _Tertullus began to accuse him_ In
an oration, almost every word of which was false; the accusation of
Paul; the encomium on the government of Felix; and the declaration of
a lawful intention in wh... [ Continue Reading ]
_Notwithstanding, that I be not further tedious_ Ινα δε μη
επι πλειον σε εγκοπτω, _that I may not trouble thee
any further_, by trespassing either on thy patience or modesty. The
eloquence of Tertullus was as bad as his cause; a lame introduction, a
lame transition, and a lame conclusion! Did not Go... [ Continue Reading ]
_Then Paul_ Having heard with patient silence all the false charges
preferred against him, after the governor had given him a sign to
speak, answered in a speech widely different from that of Tertullus,
true, modest, solid, and unaffected; _forasmuch as I know_, &c. Paul
would not introduce his spee... [ Continue Reading ]
_But_ As to what they have alleged against me with regard to the
_Nazarenes; this I confess unto thee_ And am not ashamed publicly to
avow it in the presence of the greatest personages upon earth; _that
after the way which they call_ αιρεσιν, _a sect;_ (so the same
word is properly rendered, Acts 24... [ Continue Reading ]
_Now after many years_, &c. They have represented me as a profane and
lawless person, as if I had thrown contempt upon religion, and done
them a great deal of wrong; but so far have I been from doing any
thing to injure the Jews, to whom by birth I belong, or from
attempting to profane the temple, a... [ Continue Reading ]
_When Felix heard these things_ Namely, the orator's accusation and
the prisoner's defence; _having more perfect knowledge of that way_
Ακριβεστερον ειδως τα περι της οδου,
_having known more perfectly the things concerning the way_, namely,
the way of worship, mentioned by Paul, (Acts 24:14,) or a... [ Continue Reading ]
_After certain days_ After Paul had been kept a few days in this
gentle confinement at Cesarea, Felix, who had been absent a short
time, came thither again; _with his wife Drusilla, who was a Jewess_
We learn from Josephus, that she was the daughter of Herod Agrippa,
and the sister of that Agrippa w... [ Continue Reading ]
_He hoped also_ A vain and evil hope! So, when he heard, his eye was
not single; no marvel then that he profited nothing by all Paul's
discourses; _that money_ would be _given him_ by _Paul_ Or by the
Christians, for the liberty of so able a minister: and, waiting for
this, unhappy Felix fell short... [ Continue Reading ]