Joseph Benson’s Bible Commentary
Colossians 1:24-29
Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you Endured for your benefit, having been exposed to them in consequence of my preaching the gospel to you and other Gentiles; and fill up That is, whereby I fill up; that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ That which remains to be suffered by his members. These are termed the sufferings of Christ, 1st, Because the suffering of any member is the suffering of the whole, and of the head especially, which supplies strength, spirits, sense, and motion to all. 2d, Because they are for his sake, for the testimony of his truth. And these also are necessary for his body's sake, which is the church Not to reconcile it to God, which has been done by Christ's sufferings, but for an example of patience to it, and for its further edification and establishment in grace. Whereof Of which church; I am made a minister Appointed to serve its best interests, and daily employed in doing so; according to the dispensation of God Or the stewardship with which I am intrusted. See the same expression Ephesians 3:2. Hence the apostle calls himself and his brethren apostles, (1 Corinthians 4:1,) οικονομους μυστηριων Θεου, stewards of the mysteries of God; which is given to me for you On your account, or for your benefit; to fulfil Or, fully to preach, as πληρωσαι seems here to signify. Thus, Romans 15:19, πεπληρωκεναι το ευαγγελιον is translated, I have fully preached the gospel; the mystery which hath been hid from ages Namely, that the gospel should be preached to the Gentiles, and that they should be called into the church of God without being subjected to the bondage of the Jewish law, or the ceremony of circumcision. For by the word mystery is frequently meant, not a matter hard to be understood, but a matter long concealed, and, when revealed, difficult to be believed, through the prejudices of men. Which hath been, comparatively, hid from former ages, and past generations of men, but now is made manifest to his saints That is, to true believers in Christ, even to Gentiles as well as Jews. Though it was promised in the covenant with Abraham, and predicted that mankind should be saved by faith, this was not understood by the Jews, and therefore it is here called a mystery, or a thing kept secret, in allusion to the heathen mysteries. To whom God would make known By revelation, confirmed by miracles, and the accomplishment of prophecies; what is the riches of the glory of this mystery This hitherto concealed doctrine. Here the apostle proceeds to show what was the chief matter of their preaching, as also what was the manner and the end of it. Which is Christ in you Not only among you, but in you. See on 2 Corinthians 13:5; living in you, Galatians 2:20; dwelling and reigning in your hearts by faith, Ephesians 3:17; through the influence of his Spirit, Romans 8:9; John 14:20: the hope of glory The ground and source of that hope. For Christ in us as our wisdom, enlightens our minds in the knowledge of that glory; as our righteousness, he entitles us to it; as our sanctification, he makes us meet for it; and as our redemption, brings us to the enjoyment of it. Whom we preach Who, in believers, as their hope of glory, is the subject of our preaching.
The apostle mentions next the manner of their preaching: warning every man Namely, of the necessity, excellence, and attainableness of this blessing; and teaching, or instructing, every man Respecting the way of attaining it; or warning every man of his duty, and teaching him how to fulfil it; and of his danger, and teaching him how to avoid it; in all wisdom In a rational, Scriptural, and consistent manner; using solid and convincing arguments, and placing them in a clear and lucid order, and adapting the matter, manner, language, and time of our preaching, reproof, or exhortation, to the state, character, and circumstances of our hearers. That we may present, &c. This was the end of their preaching; what they had in view in the exercise of their ministry; namely, that at the bar of God, in the day of final accounts, they might present every man perfect Namely, having been made so while on earth; 1st, In an acquaintance with Christian doctrines, 1 Corinthians 2:6; Hebrews 5:12; Hebrews 6:1; Heb 2:2 d, In the possession of Christian graces, faith, hope, love to God and man, humility, resignation, patience, meekness, gentleness, long-suffering, &c., Hebrews 6:11; Hebrews 10:22; 1 John 4:17; Colossians 3:12. 3d, In the enjoyment of Christian privileges, peace with God, a sense of his favour, adoption into his family, the Spirit of adoption, communion with God, an earnest of their future inheritance in their hearts. 4th, In the performance of all Christian duties, perfect in every good work to do his will, Hebrews 13:21; omitting no good work which there is an opportunity and ability to perform, and doing them all from a proper principle, namely, a principle of love to God and mankind; to a proper end, the glory of God; and in a proper spirit, a spirit of lowliness, meekness, and patience. Observe, reader, the same ought still to be the matter, manner, and end of the preaching of all God's ministers. Whereunto In order to which important purpose; I also labour In the sphere appointed me, striving With zeal and diligence; Greek, αγωνιζομενος, contending, combating, agonizing with an earnestness like that of those who contend in the Grecian games. To these the apostle fitly compared himself; because everywhere he met with the greatest opposition from evil spirits and wicked men; and in preaching the gospel he sustained toils and sufferings much greater than those which the athletes endured in their combats. According to his working Την ενεργειαν αυτου, his energy; which worketh in, or by, me mightily Supports me in the glorious contest, wherein otherwise I should sink, and renders my efforts effectual to accomplish the purposes intended.