But I will show thee that which is noted in the Scripture, or writing, of truth Namely, that which is certainly determined by God. God's decrees are spoken of as if they were committed to writing, and registered in a book. And there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince This may mean that the Jews had no friend in the court of Persia, who would co-operate with the angel, “to forward the prophet's designs in behalf of his people, but Michael, their prince; and that Daniel must depend on him alone to disappoint the devices which were forming against them.” Scott. As this chapter is intended as an introduction to the prophecies in the next two Chapter s, it may be observed that the sum of it is this: that the prayer of Daniel, in behalf of the Jews, had been heard; but that the Jews would be crossed in their design of building the temple; that nevertheless God would protect them; that the prince of Javan, or of the Greeks, that is, Alexander the Great, would come against the Persians; and that the principal angels, such as he was who talked with Daniel, and Michael the archangel, would be employed by God to defend and assist the Jews, and to strengthen the kings who were for the Jews, as, at the beginning of the following chapter, the angel who here speaks is said to have strengthened King Darius. The affliction and fasting of Daniel, who mourned for three weeks, should be considered as the effect of his zeal for the glory of God, to be manifested in the restoration of the Jews; it being the character of pious and zealous persons to afflict themselves when the glory of God is obstructed, and to offer up fervent prayers for the peace and prosperity of their country. With respect to what the angel said to Daniel, of his labouring and striving for the Jews against those who sought their ruin, it is a proof that God makes use of the ministry of angels to execute his designs, and for the protection and benefit of those whom he is pleased to bless.

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