I lifted up mine eyes Being by the river-side, in deep contemplation, I looked up, and saw a person appear before me, clothed in linen, &c. “Who this certain person was we may be at no loss to determine, if we consider him as described in the attire of the high-priest, and compare the passage with Exodus 28:29., and the description of the Son of man by St. John in the Revelation 1:13. If, however, he were not the Son of God himself, he was probably an angel of the highest order.” Wintle. Concerning the fine gold of Uphaz, see note on Jeremiah 10:9. His body was like the beryl That is, cerulean, or of a bluish-green colour; his face as the appearance of lightning See Matthew 28:3. By this was symbolically expressed his perspicacity, or quickness in discerning and knowing every thing; and his eyes as lamps of fire To signify the comprehensiveness and piercing terribleness of his knowledge; his arms and feet like polished brass Of a bright flaming colour: see Revelation 1:15. As the arms and feet in men are the instruments of action, by them we are here to understand his actions, the purity of which is meant to be expressed by the shining brass; and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude By which greatness or terribleness of his voice was signified his denouncing terrible judgments on kings and kingdoms.

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