The men that were with me saw not the vision This was just as it happened to the company who were with St. Paul, when he had a vision, going to Damascus, Acts 9:7. God can cast a cloud before the eyes of any one when he pleases, so that the organs may not be able to perform their usual functions; thus it is said, Luke 24:16, of the two disciples going to Emmaus, that their eyes were holden that they should not know him. But a great quaking fell upon them Occasioned perhaps by their hearing some unusual and terrible sound. Thus the men with St. Paul heard a voice which struck them speechless, though they saw nothing. So that they fled to hide themselves Through the terror and astonishment wherewith they were seized, they fled from the place, as from a place in which they were exposed to instant destruction. And there remained no strength in me I fell into a swoon, or fainting-fit. My comeliness, or vigour, was turned in me into corruption Houbigant reads it, The flower of my strength withered, and all my powers failed me. When I heard the voice of his words The very sound of his words deprived me of all sense and power of motion. Then was I in a deep sleep Then I lay lifeless, with my face prone upon the ground. Houb.

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