Is not this laid up in store with me? That is, all their wickedness spoken of before, or the vengeance he is going to mention in the following verses. This, by Le Clerc, and many others, is referred to the vengeance which God would inflict on the enemies of the Jews. But surely the verses with which it is immediately connected, whether preceding or following, render it much more probable that the vengeance which should come on the Jews themselves, is intended, as if he had said, My long- suffering toward them may make them think I have forgotten their sins: but I remember them punctually. They are sealed up as in a bag, (Job 14:17,) and as men seal up their treasures. Or, the allusion may be to deeds signed and sealed, and kept safely in a cabinet, though not presently executed, and in that case the meaning will be that the execution of the vengeance was a thing notified and determined in the mind of God, but that the time was reserved with him as a profound secret, known only to himself.

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