A.M. 3027. B.C. 977.

In this chapter Solomon discourses concerning the worship of God, prescribing that as a remedy against all those vanities which he had already observed to be in wisdom, learning, pleasure, honour, power, and business. In order that we may not be deceived by those things, nor have our spirits vexed with the disappointments we meet with in them, we must make conscience of our duty to God, and keep up communion with him in his ordinances. But as vanities may be, and often are, found, even in religious exercises, through which they lose their excellence, and become unable to help us against other vanities, he here first cautions us against these, Ecclesiastes 5:1. He then directs us to eye God as our Judges, vv8. Shows the vanity of riches, Ecclesiastes 5:9. And recommends the cheerful use of what God has given us, Ecclesiastes 5:18.

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