And for me also See on Colossians 4:3; that utterance may be given unto me Free liberty of expression, every inward and every outward hinderance being removed; that I may open my mouth boldly May deliver the whole truth without any base fear, shame, or diffidence, considering how important it is to the glory of God, and the salvation of mankind, that it should be so delivered; to make known the mystery of the gospel In the clearest and most effectual manner. For which I am an ambassador in bonds The ambassadors of men usually appear in great pomp: in what a different state does the ambassador of Christ appear! The Greek, πρεσβευω εν αλυσει, is literally, I execute the office of an ambassador in a chain. See on Acts 28:16. As the persons of ambassadors were always sacred, the apostle, in speaking thus, seems to refer to the outrage that was done to his Divine Master in this violation of his liberty.

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