When the virgins were gathered together the second time They in all probability were gathered together first in the provinces, and afterward in Susa, before they were taken into the house of the king's chamberlain. The writer now goes back to what happened before Esther's marriage. Then Mordecai sat in the king's gate It was ordered by Cyrus, as Xenophon informs us, Cyropaæd., lib. 8, that all persons whatever, who had any employment at court, should attend at the palace gate, where there was doubtless a proper waiting-place for their reception, that they might be in readiness whenever they were wanted or called for; and that this custom was afterward continued, we may learn from Herodotus, lib. 3. cap. 120. See Le Clerc. Mordecai has been thought by some to have been one of the porters of the royal palace; but it is probable he was an officer of higher rank. Poole thinks he was one of the king's guard, or ministers, and that he had been advanced to this place by Esther's favour, though without any discovery of her relation to him.

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