Joseph Benson’s Bible Commentary
Exodus 12 - Introduction
A.M. 2513. B.C. 1491.
This chapter gives an account of one of the most memorable ordinances, and one of the most memorable providences, of all that are recorded in the Old Testament.
(1,) None of all the ordinances of the Jewish Church were more eminent than that of the passover. It consisted of three parts: 1, The killing and eating of the paschal lamb, Exodus 12:1; Exodus 12:8; Exodus 12:2, The sprinkling of the blood upon the door-posts, peculiar to the first passover, Exodus 12:7, with the reason for it, Exodus 12:11; Exodus 12:3, The feast of unleavened bread for seven days after: this points rather at what was to be done after in the observance of this ordinance, Exodus 12:14, This institution is communicated to the people, and they instructed in the observance, First, Of this first passover, Exodus 12:21. Second, Of the after passovers, Exodus 12:24. The obedience of the Israelites to these orders, Exodus 12:28.
(2,) None of all the providences of God concerning the Jewish Church was more illustrious than the deliverance of the children of Israel out of Egypt. 1, The firstborn of the Egyptians are slain, Exodus 12:29; Exodus 12:30; Exodus 12:2, Orders are given immediately for their discharge, Exodus 12:31; Exodus 12:3, They begin their march, First, Loaded with their own effects, Exodus 12:24. Second, Enriched with the spoils of Egypt, Exodus 12:35; Exodus 12:36. Third, Attended with a mixed multitude, Exodus 12:37; Exodus 12:38. Fourth, Put to their shifts for present supply, Exodus 12:39. This event is dated, Exodus 12:40.
(3,) A recapitulation in the close, Exo 12:1 st, Of this memorable ordinance, with some additions, Exodus 12:43. 2dly, Of this memorable providence, Exodus 12:50; Exodus 12:51.