A.M. 2513. B.C. 1491.

In this and the following chapter care is taken about the priests that were to minister in this holy place. In this chapter,

(1,) God pitcheth upon the persons who should be his servants, Exodus 28:1.

(2,) He appoints their livery; their work was holy, and so must their garments be, and answerable to the glory of the house which was now to be erected, Exodus 28:2; Exodus 28:1, He appoints the garments of his head-servant, the high-priest, First, An ephod and girdle, Exodus 28:6; second, A breastplate of judgment, Exodus 28:15, in which must be put the Urim and Thummim, Exodus 28:30; third, The robe of the ephod, Exodus 28:31; fourth, The mitre, Exodus 28:36; Exodus 28:2, The garments of the inferior priests, Exodus 28:40.

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