Their wings were stretched upward That is, two wings of each, namely, in a posture of flying, to show that they were always actively employed in executing God's commands. Some unite this clause with the preceding, and render the whole, Their faces and their wings were stretched upward, namely, denoting a posture of attention, as if they were hearkening to the voice of God's words, as angels are represented Psalms 103:20. Two wings of every one were joined one to another, &c. Of the two living creatures in front, and of the two behind, the right wing of one reached to the left wing of the other, the extremities of the expanded inner wings forming an arch. In Isaiah 6:2, and Revelation 4:6, each of the seraphim has six wings assigned him, whereas the living creatures here have each but four; the reason of which is, that in those places these appearances are described as making use of two of their wings to cover their faces, out of reverence to the divine presence, before which they stand and worship; whereas, here they are supposed to be actively employed as ministers of the Divine Providence, in executing his counsels in all parts of the world. And two covered their bodies To signify, perhaps, that we men are not able to understand the nature of angels. Whither the spirit was to go, they went Without any dispute or delay: the Spirit of God directed all their motions: and all their ministrations were as truly unconstrained and free, as they were subservient to God's designs in his providential government of the church and the world. They turned not when they went They looked not back; they turned not out of the way; they ceased not till they had completed their course.

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