And their feet were straight feet Emblematical probably of simplicity and uprightness, or of the steadiness of their obedience. And the sole of their feet like the sole of a calf's foot To signify their firmness and constancy in performing the divine will. Or, as some think, the soles of their feet, being divided, like those of calves and other clean animals, might be emblematical of their perfect purity and holiness. And they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass To signify their zeal in God's service, or that the glory of God should shine forth, or be made manifest in their actions. And they had the hands of a man To show their power and ability to perform with speed what was enjoined them; or, that they did all things orderly, distinctly, and quickly; the hands of a man being most aptly made, of any thing we know, for performing any artificial operations. And by these hands being under their wings might be signified that their works were invisible and unknown to man, and done without any ostentation. They four had their faces and their wings This is a repetition of what had been said before, in order that it might be more noticed. Their wings were joined one to another To signify their perfect agreement in the speedy execution of God's will; and that all the acts which God performs by the ministry of his angels are admirably consistent, and agreeing with each other, and adapted to the purpose intended to be brought to pass. They turned not when they went They were immediately ready to do the work assigned them without any delay or hinderance, and they proceeded directly on in one and the same undeviating course; were constant and persevering in performing the divine will, without being turned aside therefrom by any obstacle whatever. They four had the face of a man, &c. See note on Ezekiel 1:6.

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