Behold, this was the iniquity of Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, &c. The inhabitants of Sodom “abused that plenty which God gave them to pride and idleness, which gave rise to those enormities that they afterward were guilty of. The Scripture takes notice of the fruitfulness of the soil where Sodom stood,” Genesis 13:10. Lowth. Such is the depravity of human nature, that plenty, and a freedom from toil and danger, often prove people's ruin; and therefore, if we were truly wise, we should be as much afraid of prosperity as we are of any of those supposed evils which are the frequent objects of our fears. Neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy Pride and luxury make men expensive in their way of living, and regardless of the wants and miseries of others. And they were haughty Hebrew, ותגבהינה, they were high, lofty, arrogant in their deportment toward good men, vexing Lot's righteous soul, toward the angels, whom they assaulted in his house, and toward God himself, all whose laws they trampled under foot, Genesis 13:13; and before whom they committed abominations of the most heinous and detestable kind; arriving by degrees to the height of impiety and wickedness. And, indeed, when pride has got the ascendency in a man he is in the high road to all abominations. And therefore I took them away as I saw good Destroyed their cities, people, and country, by a most tremendous, unexpected, and unexampled judgment.

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