Shall I cause it to return into his sheath? Shall the sword that is drawn to execute the judgments of God upon Ammon be put up in its sheath before it has done its work? Surely not. I will judge thee in the place where thou wast created That is, where thy nation first received its existence: thou shalt not be carried captive, but shalt be destroyed in thy own land. I will pour out mine indignation upon thee Which shall overwhelm thee as with a flood, and sweep thy nation into ruin. I will blow against thee, &c. To melt thee as it were in a furnace. See Ezekiel 22:20. And deliver thee into the hand of brutish men The LXX. read, ανδρων βαρβαρων τεκταινοντων διαφθορας, of barbarous men, artificers of destruction; or, as we render it, skilful to destroy. Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire Thy country and cities shall be destroyed by fire. Thy blood shall be in the midst of the land A slaughter shall be made of thee in every part of thy country, and thy blood shall appear everywhere. Thou shalt be no more remembered The Jewish people still subsist, but the Ammonites are lost in the mass of mankind, and have been long forgotten.

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