Take up a lamentation for Tyrus This alludes to the mournful lamentations used at funerals, wherein the mourning women recounted every thing that was valuable or praiseworthy belonging to the deceased, and then lamented the loss of him; and say, O thou that art situate at the entry of the sea That art a sea-port, fitted by situation for carrying on trade with many countries: see Isaiah 23:1. Thou hast said, I am of perfect beauty Thou hast boasted that thou hast every thing to render thee complete, and that there is nothing wanting to thee. Thy borders are in the midst of the seas Thy dominions are not confined to the land, but extend far into the sea; where thou commandest without control, and sailest from place to place without interruption, to bring home thy riches. Thy builders have perfected thy beauty Undoubtedly such a city as Tyre, which had store of riches, was built with great magnificence and beauty; but the following verses seem to show, that these words are chiefly to be understood of the builders of their ships, wherein the chief strength and glory of the Tyrians were placed.

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