Then I came to them of the captivity To those of my countrymen who were captives, at Tel-abib. The prophet was before at some distance from this place, though on the same river, and these therefore must have been a distinct colony of captives from those mentioned Ezekiel 1:1; Ezekiel 1:3: see Eze 3:23 of this chapter. And I sat where they sat This translation is according to the Vulgate, sedi, ubi illi sedebant. But Bishop Newcome renders the Hebrew, I dwelt where they dwelt; that is, I took up my residence among them; and remained there astonished seven days “Having my spirit wholly cast down and amazed, under the apprehension of these terrible judgments, which were to come upon my nation, and of which I was to be the messenger: see the margin. Seven days was the space of time appointed for mourning.” Lowth. But the Vulgate, instead of astonished, reads mærens, mourning; and some render the clause, I remained there among them solitary seven days: supposing the meaning to be, that the prophet stayed that time among them, without saying any thing particular to them, or acquainting them that he was appointed to the prophetic office, in order that he might observe their actions and manner of life, and so might the better know how to address them in the discharge of his office, and what reproofs it would be most proper to give them.

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